George Deriso ( from Boulder, Colorado
"We've tried dance lessons in the past, including some Latin dance, and the lessons never really "clicked" with us. Not until now. Your teaching style and your ability to break down the moves and build upon previous lessons are a perfect formula for us! You've been an exceptional instructor and we've recommended you to several others already..."
Jennifer M. from Boulder, Colorado
"Eric is a fantastic teacher. My first dance class was Eric's Intro to Salsa which was very fun and non-intimidating. He teaches you the most important thing first - how to really "hear" the music. I progressed to the more advanced group classes and then began taking private lessons because it is so much fun to dance with Eric. I have been lucky enough to travel to Cuba several times and take dance classes with some of the world's best salsa dancers, including "Mr. Nano" and Yanek Revilla in Santiago de Cuba. Eric dances as well as they do, in the true Cuban style, and most importantly he is also great teacher. There are a lot of good dancers but not everyone can teach. Eric does both very well. I highly recommend his classes. JM"
Ed Bidinotto ( from Colorado Springs, Colorado
"I can certainly vouch for Eric's teaching and dancing from many years. He is one of the worlds best for you folks that want to learn or improve your salsa or other types of latin dancing. Plus he has travelled extensivelly in the world teaching and dancing. Nice job Eric."
Nathan Hook from Boulder, Colorado
(Fellow Rueda de Casino instructor in Boulder)
"I wanted to thank you again for inviting me to help out with some of your dance classes last month. You are a fantastic teacher and I always learn a little something new."
"I was lucky enough to assist Eric last month with some of this classes
and I am always completely humbled by Eric's teaching and dancing
abilities. His classes come with a 'Very Highly Recommended' stamp of approval from myself."
Tony Tang ( from Boulder, Colorado
"I just wanted to write you a quick email to tell you how much I've enjoyed the Cuban Salsa class. While taking your NY salsa class is awesome as usual, I've really appreciated learning a new style from "the beginning." The heavy reliance of lead-follow connection has been a very good reinforcement of the critical concepts for being a "good" dancer. Thanks for offering the class this month and I look forward to starting the next level in a few days!"
Lisa Perrin ( from Boulder, Colorado
"There's something about all the people who take Eric's salsa classes...Everyone is so warm, friendly and truly fun to be around. For a solid year, it's been a truly positive experience.
[Referring to Cuban Salsa classes] The Cuban salsa class is so much fun and something I look forward to all week. I was really hesitant to try a new style of salsa when I was still working on Level 4. I'm so glad I went for it. I've had more fun than I thought possible with the new Cuban class. I hope this becomes a permanent offering.
And thanks to you, Eric, for always making classes so much fun and enjoyable."
Karen Fowler ( from Fort Collins, Colorado
"Eric’s analytical and conceptual abilities are superb and he uses those skills in combination with his mastery of salsa, extensive knowledge of rhythm and music, and passion for teaching to create a perfect learning environment for the student. Eric is very patient with beginners and communicates in a way that makes the student feel comfortable. Having recently taken up salsa, my private lessons with Eric elevated my abilities and confidence to step onto any salsa dance floor, including those in Puerto Rico. Eric is well-traveled, educated, and informed and it is not surprising that many of his students remain in contact with him over the years. Northern Colorado is very fortunate to have Eric Freeman as a member of its dance community!"
Fabio Boschetti ( from Perth,
(Runs website)
Most importantly, I left with a friendship with Eric that still endures, that brought so many salsa discussions both my mail, phone and in person during our subsequent meetings.
If you pass by Boulder do not waste the opportunity to learn from
a master!"
Andy Moore ( from London, ENGLAND
Tim Galus ( from Denver, Colorado
Unfortunately he does not keep a regular schedule in Denver but does
do seminars now and then. I highly recommend taking his classes whenever
possible. The thing I like about Eric is that he gives you a good,
full hour +, and always hangs around to talk/help afterwards. His stuff
is always new, different and exciting."
Paul Olk ( from Denver, Colorado
Andrew Pfeiffer ( from Boulder, Colorado
Ron Clarke ( from Denver, Colorado
Greg Richardson ( from Boulder, Colorado
Christine Donahue ( from Boulder, Colorado
William Broder ( from Boulder, Colorado
Jim James ( from Boulder, Colorado
Bob Lantaff ( from Boulder, Colorado