October 2010: Level IV (Intermediate)




Week 1 Patterns:

M pulls W forward on 5, then stirs the pot to turn her

W steps back w/ R on 1, winds up forward L on 2, then leaving R in place, starts turn on 3. W can tap w/ L foot on 5 for the second turn
M leads 2WRT w/ both hands from open. On 1 he swings both hands a little to his L, on 2 he swings them to his R to wind up W & keeps tension on L-R to keep W from stepping forward on 3. M leads turn on 3 by throwing and releasing L-R to his L, & following through w/ R-L over W’s head.

Pattern 1:
1: XB closed to open
2: 2WRT:R-L to W’s RT hammerlock (R-L over W’s head for first turn then down for hammerlock for 2nd)
3: Pick up L-R to XB:WLT to open
4: XB:WRT:R-L,L-R switching to three hand grip (W holding M’s R hand w/ both of her hands)
5: XB:WLT:3hand
6: XB:WRT:3hand
7: XB:WLT:3hand to sweetheart, picking up W’s L shoulder w/ M’s L hand
8: sweetheart turn to L, then release W’s L hand for WRT:R-R out of sweetheart
9: XB:WLT:R-R to sweetheart, picking up W’s L shoulder w/ M’s L hand
10: sweetheart turn to L, then 2WRT:R-R out of sweetheart, starting turn on 3, then R-R coming towards M on 5 and 7.
11: M’s R-R hcomb to WRT:L-L
12: M’s L-L hcomb to closed to XB



Week 2:


Timing of 2WRT:

Pause a bit after two,
Turns – end turns on 5 and 7.

3hand moves:

XB:WLT:MRT:3hand(M’s R hand) This is a gear turn. M waits to turn until W is right beside him, about 6. I do this as a hook turn.

MLT:3hand to WRT:3hand. Start with MLT, putting 3hands over M’s head about so M’s head is encircled. M takes small steps. For next 8 count, start raising hands up & off M’s head about 3, bring them down in between M&W on5 and lead WRT.

XB:WLT:3hand(M’s R hand) to XB to L-R  On1, hcomb W with 3hands to W’s head is encircled & M’s R hand is on W’s R side of W’s neck. Lead XB:WLT w/ M’s R hand, releasing W’s R hand & keeping her L hand near the back of her neck. As W completes the turn, M’s R arm swing under W’s L elbow, the M release W’s L hand & picks up her back for XB to L-R

3hand cumbias:

For repeated 3hand cumbias, can alternate WLT & MLT & do hand changes behind M’s back

Another option is to alternate WLT & MRT (“Ronde”) & have hands go over M’s head on MRT.

Or WLT & MRT (“Ronde”) where M puts 3 hands over his head on his MRT, then picks up W’s back for XB.



Week 3:


1: WRT:L-R,R-L
2: Basket move: open break, taking L-R over W's head & putting R-L on W's R shoulder (pulling more w/ L-R) , while M steps behind W, on5 M back crosses & W front crosses, then on6 M gently pulls W back & lift R-L over her head, ending in front of her with arms twisted one turn L.

Basket Tunnel
Same as basket, except hands go all the way to W’s hips, then on pull back on 6, M rotates his arms forward to lead W to lean forward to go under R-L. W pops her head up on following 1

Rotating XB Tunnel
I didn’t get the rotating XB, so I’ll write it up as walkthrough turn
1: XB:WLT:L-R,R-L, leading W to start completing the WLT in wrap, facing back along the slot
2:  on 1-3, W completes the LT, then on5 M pushes W forward along the slot & M steps strongly back along the slot, on6 M stops W’s forward momentum & pulls her strongly back along the slot & under R-L. About the time M is pulling W back, he rotates his arms forward to lead W to lean forward so she can go under R-L. W pops her head up on following 1.

Variation of Rotating XB Tunnel
For move 2, push W gently forward on 5, the pull her back gently, but keep her in wrap.
Then add move 3 where W does a basic on 1-3 & then do the rest of the original move 2.

1: XB closed to R-R
2: WRT:R-R/L-L (ends up in L-L/R-R)
3: WRT:L-L/R-R (ends up with hands twisted up)
4: open break 3WLT to sweetheart sort of wrap, both hands go over her head on first turn, then R-R stays high & L-L goes low to L-L wraps across W’s hips (W actually makes 2 turns, but it is 2-1/2 from point of view of M. If W didn’t stop in sweetheart, it would have been 3 turns from point of view of M, hence the notation.)
5: Sweetheart turn to L & then WRT, both hands going over her head, ending in L-L/R-R

Can do 2WRT instead of moves 2 & 3.
Can do 3WRT instead of moves 2 & 3 if one of the turns is a wrist slip.
Can do 3WRT instead of moves 2 & 3 if W is wound one turn L from R-R/L-L before the turn.
Can do 2WRT in move 5 and end up in the same position as the end of 3.



Week 4:


Pattern 1:
1: XB:WLT:R-R to sweetheart
2: Sweetheart turn to L, then ½ WRT to face back along slot for XB:WLT:R-L:RE, M does ½ MRT on 1-3 & catches W’s L wrist w/ his R arm (from above)

1 & 2 as above, except catch W’s shoulders in sweetheart on the final count 7
3: Sweetheart turn to L led w/ M’s hands on W’s shoulders, then do the same ½ WRT to face back along slot for XB:WLT:R-L:RE, M does ½ MRT on 1-3 & catches W’s L wrist w/ his R arm (from above)

“Original” Tunnel: (from "Cool Moves Revealed", Move #38)
1: Open break WLT to wrap on 1-3, then W steps back on 5, & forwards on 6 and on 7. M lets W’s momentum carry W forward on 8, then pulls  so …
2: W steps back on 1, then back on 2 & 3, w/ M leaning forward for W to tunnel under his R arm. W then steps forward on 4 and 5; notes that counts 3 –5 are really counts 1-3 of a new 8 count, but you are on the 3, not the 1


Class notes created by Charles Bier and revised and edited by Eric Freeman.